The Wheel of Time Keeps Spinning

Way back when (in the 90’s) I was obsessed with my first high fantasy series of books called The Wheel of Time, by Robert Jordan. I picked up the first book of the series, The Eye of the World, and was enthralled. The first few books were already out, and I eagerly and quickly devoured them, one after another, getting caught up in the drama and magic of Aes Sedai, the Dragon Reborn, the One Power, and all the great characters that made this series so fun.

The original cover of the first book in the series.

The series ended up being fourteen books long, but I only made it through 6 or 7, if I remember correctly. I loved them, but I was getting impatient for closure, and it just seemed like it was never going to end, questions were never going to be answered, and things were just getting more complicated and confusing than ever, lol. So I let it go, and moved on to other things, other books, other fantasy series. But The Wheel of Time remains an important milestone in my love for fantasy. That’s why I’m thrilled to see it finally being brought to life in a TV series on Amazon Prime. Do I have Amazon Prime? No. Will I get it to watch this series? Maybe, lol.

I’ve watched the teaser trailer, and it looks like quite the spectacle. Will it be good? I hope so. It looks promising. Does it make me want to re-read the books, perhaps even finish the series? Maybe if it wasn’t fourteen books! (The author, Robert Jordan, died before he could finish the series; Brandon Sanderson had to take his ideas and finish it for him).

Here’s the teaser trailer:

The series has a release date of November 19th, 2021.

Have you read The Wheel of Time? Do you plan on watching the show? Let me know in the comments and we’ll talk about it!

2 thoughts on “The Wheel of Time Keeps Spinning

  1. I’m currently reading the first book now. I’m intrigued but also finding some of the younger characters pretty frustrating and thinking it could use some editing 🙂 A lot of people say the second book is better though so I may still keeping reading!

    I’m definitely going to check out the show.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s been years since I’ve read it, but yes, I do remember thinking the younger ones extremely annoying, lol. I find that true with some YA books I read, too. Teens, what are you gonna do? Lol.


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